Meet Fariba
Hobbi Moghadam
Menschen einfühlsam und Liebevoll Begleiten
Durch meine eigenen Erfahrungen habe ich festgestellt, dass manche Situationen oder manche Themen im eigenen Leben so tiefgreifend, bewegend oder erschütternd waren, dass über gewisse Zeit die Begleitung von einem Guide oder Coach mit spirituellen Erfahrung sehr wohltuend und zugleich stabilisierend wirken können.
In letzten Jahren durfte ich Menschen in meinem Umfeld begleiten und in dieser Arbeit mehr reinwachsen und Methoden erfahren, die Menschen in ihrem inneren Wachstumsprozess unterstützen.
How it all began...
During my architecture studies, I was guided by philosophical teachings of different cultures, different religions and their symbolic language to understand the language of life.
Nothing happened by chance and I decided to follow the signs!
So I was led to the realm of the angels and thus to various healing methods, such as healing stones, chakra work and essential oils.
I still use all of these methods in my consultations today.
Connected to the Earth
After becoming a mother, I continued my path to the teachings of Feng Shui and then Geomancy, in which I completed training. It became clear to me that cities and landscapes also have energetic bodies and I learned
Healing methods in the urban and rural dimension.
Cities and landscapes are alive - just like us!
Feng Shui, geomancy and my studies in architecture and urban planning are the basis for the city whisperer I see myself as.
(Urban consulting, which I may offer in the future).
Human System
& Forces of the Cosmos
Although I thought I had understood the holistic approach, life gave me the hint through an accident and the retreat in 2020 that there is still more for me to learn.
My involvement with sacred geometry and the human body, energy flow and different healing methods that I have tried out on my own path have brought me closer to the meshcliche system.
Astrology and astronomy brought me into contact with the forces of the heavenly dimension:
Planets, stars and galaxies, ...
Dealing with it complemented my previous experiences and gave me some new perspectives.